To meet Title I requirements, each school district is expected to publicly post and share a "testing transparency" statement that outlines all of the required local, state, and national assessments. The following notice and list of required assessments will be posted to our district website.
Notice of Testing Transparency
The Paris Independent School district receives Title I Part A federal grant funding. As part of the grant agreements, our school district is required to provide information on assessments mandated at the federal, state, or local levels.
List of required K-12 Assessments for Paris Independent Schools include:
Common Kindergarten Entry Screener (K-Screener)
ACCESS for English Language Learners
Kentucky Summative Assessment
Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment
CTE Industry Certification
Parents may direct questions regarding student participation in assessments to the Assistant Superintendent or principals at each school. Additional information about state and federal assessment requirements can be found on the Kentucky Department of Education's Assessment webpage at
Academic success is important because it is strongly linked to the positive outcomes. Adults who are academically successful and/or obtain advanced training in a trade are more likely to be employed, have stable employment, and have more employment opportunities than those with less education or training.
At Paris Independent Schools we are committed to putting all students on a path towards a lifetime of success.
Reimagining School!!
Follow the links below to Achievement Data reported by the Kentucky Department of Education